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Our Education Interventions

Our Education Interventions

ANPEZ Centre for Environment and Development foray into the education sector to build human capital and give our children a competitive edge in the emerging tech world started back in 1999 with a student science learning improvement programme titled “Fifty for the Future”. The programme was implemented by ANPEZ with technical support from KIKO Educational UK. It was funded by Shell Petroleum Development and ran for the initial period of four years (1999-2003). A total of fifty (50) Schools from fifty (50) communities across six (6) Niger Delta States, namely Abia, Bayelsa, Edo, Delta and Rivers State benefited from the programme. An aggregate of over 3,000 students participated and benefited from this programme which amongst other things delivered writing materials, practical materials/journals including the Young Scientist Magazine and practical training sessions where delivered to the schools and students.


The Schlumberger Excellence in Education (SEED) programme followed suit in 2002 and is still ongoing and providing access to computer technology and learning for students in our communities. We have since reached over 100 schools and several students through this programme.

We have also since carried out a number of students/teachers outreach and teaching programme on emerging and pertinent global issues such as Climate Change, Environment, Sustainable Development Goals etc. We have done this by celebrating global days such as World Environment Day, Earth Day etc with the schools.

Other programmes include; Power Politics implemented in partnership with Living Earth, UK; Environmental Clubs in 57 Schools across the Niger Delta with funding support from Shell Petroleum Development and Children Holiday Skills Learning and Talent Development Programme funded solely by ANPEZ.

In 2019 ANPEZ Anpez again in partnership with KIKO Educational UK launched a series of teaching improvement training for teachers from schools in Nigeria. So far a total of 350 teachers have participated in the training.

ANPEZ will be deploying another round of science teaching outreach programme to select communities in the Kalabari Kingdom communities in Rivers State starting from March 2021. Stay tuned on this.